We are excited to announce the print edition of the Making of Nox Archaist book is now in stock and available to order!
An e-book version is also now available.
Click HERE to order your copy with color cover and interior!
In the Making of Nox Archaist, co-founder and lead developer Mark Lemmert talks about how making the game began as a childhood dream and ended with the first commercial role-playing game released on the Apple II in 30 years.
Mark describes the challenges, including a failed Kickstarter, the Apple’s quirky graphics system, and getting decent audio out of a one-bit speaker. Along the way, the team received help from many sources, including Richard Garriott (Lord British), Dr. Cat, Burger Becky, and Steve Wozniak (Woz). Finally, after a wildly-successful Kickstarter and a year of non-stop coding, Mark details how an obscure floppy-disk bug nearly derailed the entire project just weeks before release.
We hope that you enjoy reading our story! Order HERE!
If you haven't already, we invite you to join our Nox Archaist Discord server. It's a great place to share tips and tricks with other players and ask questions to the dev team.
-Mark, Chris & the 6502 Workshop Team
Website - http://www.6502workshop.com
Discord - http://discord.noxarchaist.com
Twitter - @6502Workshop
Forums - http://forums.noxarchaist.com
Facebook - http://facebook.noxarchaist.com
Kickstarter - http://kickstarter.noxarchaist.com
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