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Monday, August 1, 2016

Graphics Contest Winners

We are pleased to announce that the three winners of the Nox Archaist graphics contest are:
  • Bill Giggie               : shark and palm tree
  • mmphosis-apple2    : portcullis
  • Kurt Brenson           : street lamp
Many thanks to these individuals and everyone who participated in the contest! Please email us at to confirm your contact information for receiving contest prizes.

Here are gameplay video showing the winning tiles:

Shark and Palm Tree

Portcullis and Street Lamp 

Also, click here to check out the latest Nox Archaist feature - the ability for players to illuminate the night with a torch or other player generated light source.


6502 Workshop Team

1 comment:

  1. Some great ideas here! Really like the portcullis functionality and the street lamps look cool as well. I can't wait to play this thing!
